Galatians 5:22-23a
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
This example combines multiple techniques: images, grouping, linking, and absurdity/humor.
This picture tells a story:
This is Joy Boy. He is full of love for everyone around him, and he has a great big heart on his shirt to symbolize his love (love).
His big smile shows the joy (joy) that he feels.
But he is missing a large piece (peace) of his tooth.
Joy Boy is also patient, and he is looking at his wrist watch as he patiently (patience) waits to fly his kite.
But Joy Boy has to be careful holding his kite (ki-ndness)
above the pool of goo (goo-dness) on the ground.
Joy Boy is also a bit of a tease, and he is holding a feather (faithfulness) so he can tickle the gentleman to his right.
We can see he is a gentleman (gentleness) because he is wearing a bow tie and suit.
But the gentleman has great self-control (self-control) and won’t allow himself to smile from being tickled, but keeps a controlled expression.
To remember this verse, take a note card (3 by 5), and make a sketch of the drawing. It does not matter how much it looks like the picture, just include the heart, smile, missing tooth, wrist watch, kite, pool of goo, the feather, and the gentleman with his bow tie and controlled expression. Add the vertical lines to divide the picture into three parts, and write the words – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control above the sections. Then put the card by your sink, or shaving mirror, or your bedside or anywhere you will see it at least daily. Each time you look at the card, say the verse while looking at the picture elements. Soon, you will be able to “see” the picture and remember the verse without looking at the card!